Welcome to our blog. It's purpose is to share information, unite members, and help each sister to grow closer to Jesus Christ.
We hope this will be a helpful resource for you. We also hope it will help us stay connected, share ideas and encourage one another.

This is NOT an official website of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Simplify Night

Relief Society meeting in January we had a Simplify Night.
Jody Shelley and Chelsea Grange made homemade breakfast burritos for the taster table.

President Jolene Hansen taught us how to fold a fitted sheet.

Then Jody & Chelsea demonstrated how to involve your whole family in a month of meal planning the quick and easy way.

We then had a professional house cleaner (Sheila Andreasen) come and speak to us about Simplifying your cleaning using products, chemicals and exercising.
Simple...well for some people

No pictures

Then End

Grandfather's Christmas Story

The December 24th Ward Relief Society Meeting was a great success!

First of all this is the afghan that was completed.
We had many square donations and Alice Missledine put the whole thing together.

We started out with a soup and salad dinner with a delectable chocolate dessert.
We sat at round tables for great conversation. each table had a beautiful nativity for a center piece.
After dinner we enjoyed a program called "Grandfather's Christmas Story". 
Several members of our ward including our priesthood holders and some of our ward choir sang like angels!

We had a large manger on the stage which made a great impact along with children and adults singing and dressed in the biblical times.

There were pictures and words projected up on the back of the stage. It showed a beautiful scene with words of sacred Christmas songs, so that the audience could join in at certain times. 

The plot was very spiritual with "Grandfather" reading scriptures pertaining to the birth of the Savior, to the children gathered around.

Grandfather McMillan, Hammond, Weeks children & Brianna
The children sang like angels.

In one scene we had Mary sing "Mary's Lullaby".
Then she stepped back while Joseph entered in and cradled Baby Jesus while Mary (and Doran) sang solemnly and reverently "Guard Him Joseph".

Doran Shelley, Mike Jensen (Joseph), Amanda Higley (Mary)
 This part was the most spiritual of the whole night.
Joseph totally surprised us when he actually picked up the baby and lovingly cradled baby Jesus. I'm not sure if there was a dry eye.

Mike Jensen (Joseph), Amanda Higley (Mary)

It was very moving and everyone there enjoyed it!
The Spirit was definitely there that night!

Something Extraordinary

I believe that the women of the Church,
regardless of age or family status,
understand and apply best the words of
James Barrie, the author of Peter Pan:
"Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others
cannot keep it from themselves."
- Pres. Dieter F. Uchtdorf

November 2012 we had a full evening at our Relief Society Meeting.

Prior to November meeting we were each, or whoever could, asked to make and bring an 8X8 crochet square. It didn't matter what color or size of needle just as long as the finished square was 8X8.
We would then take all of the squares and make them in to one big afghan and given to the Family Support Center in town. This will be finished and displayed at the December meeting.

We were also asked to bring a food item for the local pantry.

Something Extraordinary video was played at the beginning of the meeting.

A few weeks prior to the meeting a list of Service Donation Ideas were handed out.
This was to get us thinking about what kind of service we could donate to another sister.
At the activity we each received a card.
On one side we were to put our name, phone number and two service ideas we were willing to donate. (Only one of the services would be used.)

We then played a "left-right" game using a story of the Relief Society.

At the end of the story/game we (ex: Jan) would find the person (ex: Becky) that filled out the service of the card we ended up with. (Becky) would then write on her card who she is giving service to (Jan) according to which service Jan chose. Then she (Jan) also had the name of the sister that was giving service to her.

Clear as mud? Well it seemed to work out well.

We were all excited to receive and give of our service.

"We are not only mothers to the youth but many of you, young and older, are truly mothers to those that are still raising their families or those that are grandmothers.
We are one eternal round in loving, supporting, nurturing and serving each other."

For refreshments we had a cookie exchange and took extra cookies to those that were home bound.

Heaven Can Wait

October 2012, we had Officer David McKay come and speak to us about distracted driving.
He showed us a couple of video's and talked to us about highway safety,
when and when NOT to pull over, etc.

This is our RS Presidency
Facebook Fannie was called home because she was checking FB while driving.
Radio Rita has been called home early while trying to find a better channel.
Makeup Molly has been called home putting on makeup while driving.
Texting Trina has been called home due to texting and driving.
Fannie Food was called home because she was eating while driving.